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Photo shoot at getDigital :)

I had already announced that we wanted to present our shirts better and therefore organized a model shooting at our place. Now the time had finally come :) Our (freelance) photographer Christina had taken a day and brought professional equipment with her. So we were able to take photos at our camp regardless of the weather and the photos look really professional :) We also invited a make-up artist to do the models' make-up. The models themselves were amateurs that I had found via a local Kiel Facebook group and, of course, many of our colleagues also took part. We had planned a total of 17 models, but unfortunately only 14 turned up in the end. One model didn't show up without canceling and two others unfortunately canceled on the day itself. That's always annoying, of course, as we still had to pay the photographer and make-up artist, but it's probably also the price of working with amateur models.

Of course, we also took photos of the shoot:

Many thanks to everyone involved, it was a lot of fun!
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