Are you a role player with heart and soul? Do you have a passion for table tops and pen & paper adventures?We'd guess then, that your dice...
View full detailsIn the world of The Witcher, there are various rules and unwritten laws that are anchored in the foundations of humanity. One of these commandments...
View full detailsA group of heroes and heroines sets out to defeat monsters and search for treasure, all professionals that have mastered their different skills… Wh...
View full detailsParents and noobs will be baffled by this shirt... What does that mean again? No, gg doesn't stand for double-grin.In the end, it doesn't...
View full detailsIt's funny that the nerdiest game ever made requires friends, isnt't it? *)Anyhow, all you need to have a fun evening is a piece of paper...
View full detailsIn almost every role playing game, the tasks of each and every party member are set in stone: The Healer is healing, the Rogue is sneaking around a...
View full detailsBecoming a Healer in a role-playing game might not be hard, but actually being one is among the hardest things imaginable! Anyone who has ever play...
View full details"Two chracters meet in a tavern, one was a Tank, and the other didn't do damage either." Okay, this joke is not great (okay, actual...
View full detailsBehind every good player are several good dice. While we have fun, loot and celebrate ourselves afterwards for successful adventures, our faithful ...
View full detailsWhy aren't there cool messages in real life like in every role-playing game when you've improved your skills?