If you're a nerd who knows everything, you'll already know: The only true religion is Pastafarianism! All references to things like evolution were ...
View full detailsBuilding a time machine is actually quite easy: Take a rare car with weird doors, add a flux capacitor and 88 miles per hour. That's it! Of course,...
View full detailsWhat for some people are fantastic stories that have sprung from the brains of talented authors are for other people a reflection of reality. With ...
View full detailsWho hasn't experienced it: as soon as one of the technology neanderthals gets wind that you have anything remotely to do with computers, you are be...
View full detailsThe axe in the house saves the carpenter. And the backup saves you having to beg the admin for help. So remember, dear children: make regular backu...
View full detailsAs the saying goes, the dumbest farmers have the fattest potatoes. Does this saying also apply outside of agriculture? What about phi breeding, for...
View full detailsIn the digital world, it's safe to assume that almost no aspect of our everyday lives would work without computer scientists. Following that logic,...
View full detailsDo you know the definition of insanity? Calling someone crazy even though his mother had him tested for it as a child! How can you doubt such a hig...
View full detailsIt's the little things in life that bring joy. What would we do if our appliances didn't have a start button? Connect cables to each other? Far too...
View full detailsWhy do we actually assume that the aliens that statistically must exist in space are hostile to us? This prejudice is reproduced in numerous films,...
View full detailsAre you a retro gamer with a penchant for legendary point-and-click adventures? Or an aspiring politician? Then this sticker is just the thing for ...
View full detailsNo matter how bad your mood is, a dose of radioactivity is sure to make you glow! This sticker can not only be used as a warning on the nuclear rea...
View full detailsHow can I do X? And how does Y work? Can I do Z instead? Almost 99 percent of all questions that admins, helpdesks and other service agents get tor...
View full detailsEvery child knows that cats have nine lives. But where does life actually begin and where does it end? And what do you do if you lock your cat in a...
View full detailsHow do you ruin a gamer's day? You tell him that the save game is broken, the princess is in another castle and the cake is a lie. With this sticke...
View full detailsThere are a few things you can't predict: Who dies next on Game of Thrones, the Spanish Inquisition or the element of surprise Ah! This little elem...
View full detailsSometimes you just need a few moments to collect your thoughts. As people (fortunately) can't look into other people's heads, you have to somehow m...
View full detailsWhat happens when a cute and magical unicorn is bitten by a gruesome zombie? It turns into a zombie corn! Gone are the days when it shot rainbows a...
View full detailsConfident, happiness alone. With this button you can declare all kinds of things to be your home. But whether other people will accept th...
View full detailsIf you are feeling poorly and need a boost of energy, this button will give you a second life. But please don't try to eat it. You could lick it, b...
View full detailsIt's strange that, alongside supporters of authoritarian systems in dystopian novels, scientists of all people make conspicuously frequent mistakes...
View full detailsOh, how easy it would have been if the teachers at school or the lecturers at university had read more good science fiction. Then you could have si...
View full detailsYou may be wondering why Sheldon, the biggest nerd of all time, has chosen 73 as his favorite number. The answer is quite simple: 73 is the 21st pr...
View full detailsAre you under stress and need an extra boost of energy? Then simply press the button to release an extra dose of the stress hormone adrenaline. Of ...
View full detailsWhether you love physics, enjoy watching The Big Bang Theory or just like the colors: This little atom is just right for you. But please don't try ...
View full detailsHow far do you trust technology? At least when it comes to the automatic correction function of smartphones (aka “auto-correct”), most people will ...
View full detailsEach to his own. Unless you can be a unicorn. Why? Glitter, rainbows, magic? Hello? What kind of question is that?
This button shows other people that it is dangerous to come near you. Or that there are things in the bag it adorns that you shouldn't eat...
The world can be a cruel, dreary place if you’re not able to take it all with humour. The iconic Geek Pin Bloody Smiley has become a symbol for see...
View full detailsOf all the stereotypes and prejudices about us nerds and geeks, one actually tends to be true: we don’t exactly like to be anywhere but at home. No...
View full detailsPastafarians of all countries unite! If you're praying to the Flying Spaghetti Monster and don't have your pasta strainer to hand, you can also spr...
View full detailsSome things are simply too complex to ignore. Like the fact that you can't (normally) take a root from a -1. Oh, but they had such a beautiful futu...
View full detailsWe really don't know what evolution was thinking with zebras! Ok, maybe the stripes help against flies, in the heat or confuse predators. But let's...
View full detailsLegal doping in button form: Press the button and imagine that the happiness hormone is flooding your body. Guaranteed without side effects ;)
Behind you, a three-headed monkey! What, you didn't see him? Maybe you can use this button as a mirror to look behind you. There he is again!
It is magical, sparkles and leaves a rainbow in its wake. In short: it's a unicorn. You shouldn't need any more information at this point. After al...
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