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Halo Mythos - A Guide to the History of Halo

$25.95 USD
inkl. MwSt. zzgl. Versandkosten
  • High-quality hardcover book about the Halo video game series
  • Covers the history of the conflict from the games
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Beschrijving Halo Mythos - A Guide to the History of Halo

The problem with long film, book, or game series is unfortunately that they can become extremely complicated over time. A look at the gigantic appendix of the latest "A Song of Ice and Fire" books proves this impressively. But even games like Halo, which has been consistently supplied with new installments since 2001, eventually reach a point where newcomers and casual gamers only understand the background story as gibberish.

Thanks to "Halo Mythos - A Guide to the History of Halo", even people who can't recite the deeds of the Master Chief by heart can immerse themselves in the fascinating world of Halo. In this hardcover book, you will find countless detailed illustrations, background texts, and a timeline of the entire conflict from the games. Soon, you will finally be able to join the conversation when it comes to the Covenant, Forerunners, or the Flood. :)

Technische info
Format: Hardcover
Pages: 208
Language: English
Dimensions: 24.8 x 30.8 x 1.8 cm
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