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Sci-Fi Chronicles - The Science Fiction Reference Book

$29.95 USD
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  • The ultimate reference book for science fiction fans
  • Divides the development of the genre into five phases and presents them in detail
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Beschrijving Sci-Fi Chronicles - The Science Fiction Reference Book

Anyone who thinks that science fiction only began Star Wars or Star Trek are way off the mark! Even these genre greats were inspired by books and films that took people to distant worlds full of exciting adventures long before them. Did you know, for example, that parts of Star Wars were inspired by the German silent movie Metropolis (1927) were inspired?

The Sci- Fi Chronicles - The science fiction reference book is the ultimate compendium of all things sci-fi, providing you with this fact and countless other background information on one of the best genres of all time. On 576 pages you will not only find informative texts on the development of science fiction in five phases, but also photos, illustrations and timelines to illustrate this. With around 200 genre classics, the book covers everything from H. G. Wells The Time Machine to more recent films such as Avatar and therefore belongs on the bookshelf or coffee table of every sci-fi fan!

Technische info
Pages: 576
Format: hardback
Dimensions: Approx. 18cm x 25cm
Language: English
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