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Earl Grey

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Description Earl Grey

"Didn't you order tea, Sir?" - Wesley Crusher

Sigh, what would we be without Wesley Crusher alias Captain Obvious? Fortunately, Captain Picard remains calm even without his beloved tea, even when the replicator produces an exotic potted plant instead of a cup of Earl Grey. But most of the time, the order works: Tea. Earl Grey. Hot. This order is almost a mantra in Star Trek: The Next Generation: Tea. Earl Grey. Hot. Teaearlgreyhot.

As is well known, a hot drink helps in all situations. With unexpected visitors, in the service of diplomacy, to keep a cool head, to relax, or to better endure annoying know-it-alls. Always in a politely British manner. (Captain Picard may have been born in France, but somehow he has something incredibly British about him...)

Of course, the tea on the Enterprise doesn't come in an old mug, but always in a stylish tea glass, just like you see on our T-shirt. :)

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