Description I made it to 2021
At times it may seem funny how people imagined the year 2021 a few decades ago: flying cars in every garage, spaceships, androids indistinguishable from humans - all of this was promised to us by the sci-fi books we read as children or teenagers. A quick look outside the front door shows that almost none of this has really come true. We ordinary mortals still have to struggle through traffic jams on the roads, no human has made it further than the moon, and the only lifelike android was once the governor of California...
Oh wait, one thing has come true: As the "I made it to 2021"-shirt shows, we do indeed have a dystopian government that spies on us and wants to know about every aspect of our lives. It's not quite as bad as in 1984 yet, but who knows what NSA, BND, and others have planned for the future. Big Brother is watching you!