Description Naruto Shippuden warming mug
In the manga Naruto and the anime spin-off Naruto Shippuden, the eponymous main character Naruto has only a few things on his mind: he is determined to become the next Hokage, win Sakura's heart and fill his stomach with ramen from Ichiraku. The secret to his endless energy? Coffee!
With the 460 ml Naruto Shippuden warming mug you can start the day like a real shinobi! As soon as you pour in a hot liquid, the design of the mug changes: behind Naruto, in keeping with his most famous jutsu, a whole host of shadow doppelgangers appear and under the logo on the back, kunai and shuriken whirl through the air! Speaking of which: we're sure you can also trigger this effect with a portion of ramen ;)