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Star Trek bathrobe

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Description Star Trek bathrobe

Fate protects fools, children and ships named Enterprise. (Commander William T. Riker in "The Iconia Probes" - Season 2, Episode 11)

... and, of course, all those who have Star Trek bathrobe wear!

Although this is not an official Starfleet policy, it has proven to be true in everyday practice. You'll see, as long as you wear the Star Trek bathrobe, no Klingon or Romulan or any other belligerent species will attack you - I promise :)

The Star Trek bathrobe is available in three different designs: Kirk, Spock and Scotty. Choose the officer who is most like you!

- Are you the type of leader who has no qualms about sending red-shirted, no-name characters to their deaths on contact with the enemy? Then the version Kirk is the right bathrobe for you.

- You have your non-existent emotions well under control, pathetic outbursts of emotion are a horror for you and you also have an inappropriate and logical saying ready for every situation, no matter how banal? Then you should go to the Spock bathrobe.

- Or are you more of a tinkerer who likes to fiddle around with warp drives and generally spends five times as much time on repairs as you actually need? In that case, there's no way around the Scotty bathrobe.

But now a few words about the Star Trek bathrobes themselves: they are made to a very high standard and have two pockets that can easily accommodate a tricorder or two, as well as a belt. They come in a universal size that should fit everyone - except perhaps Ltd. Uhura. Of course, they also have embroidered rank insignia on the chest and sleeves - just like the real original uniforms.

Have you made a decision?
Then use the Star Trek bathrobe to enter bathrooms where no one has ever showered before!

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